Welcome to Basic Garden Tips

We have collected dozens of articles to help you have a successful back yard vegetable or flower garden. We add new articles frequently so be sure to bookmark this page (CTRL-D) and return often. Just a word on the basics of plant growth. All plants need some combination of 4 things. Water, food, light, and temperature. Water: This is not difficult. Just push your finger about 2 inches into the soil near the base of the plant. If it is dry, apply water. If it is moist, do not water. Food: All plants need a fertilizer supplement for optimum growth. This, also, is not difficult. Buy fertilizer and follow instructions on the package. The important thing is to DO IT! I urge you not to use chemical fertilizers. I have used manure for years with great success. I simply refuse to put chemicals on vegetables I intend to eat. Light Some plants require a lot of sun, others can thrive in shade. Just be sure to check on the requirements (see arti...