Welcome to Basic Garden Tips

We have collected dozens of articles to help you have a successful back yard vegetable or flower garden. We add new articles frequently so be sure to bookmark this page (CTRL-D) and return often.
Just a word on the basics of plant growth. All plants need some combination of 4 things. Water, food, light, and temperature.





This is not difficult. Just push your finger about 2 inches into the soil near the base of the plant. If it is dry, apply water. If it is moist, do not water.


All plants need a fertilizer supplement for optimum growth. This, also, is not difficult. Buy fertilizer and follow instructions on the package. The important thing is to DO IT! I urge you not to use chemical fertilizers. I have used manure for years with great success. I simply refuse to put chemicals on vegetables I intend to eat.


Some plants require a lot of sun, others can thrive in shade. Just be sure to check on the requirements (see articles here) of the particular plant in question. Generally, most vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, corn, cucumbers) require a lot of sun.


You can plant lettuce, cabbage and onions in 50 degree weather. But you can not do that with cucumbers, tomatoes or corn. Read the instruction on the seed package before you put bell peppers out in 50 degree weather.
