Submission Guidelines

1. All submissions must be unique!
  • Articles must not be published anywhere on the web! Do not submit articles written by other authors.
2. By agreeing to our submission rules, you allow us and our visitors the right to re-publish all articles.
  • Articles submitted to the Garden of Articles will be published in various places across the world wide web. At any time, we have the right to modify the category, tags, and places of publication.
3. Affiliate URLs are Not Allowed
  • Do not submit articles containing affiliate links. Linking to similar or related websites that provide helpful information is acceptable, linking to websites known for spam and illegal activities will be disregarded immediately, and placed on a permanent ban here at the Garden of Articles.
4. Spelling & Grammatical Errors
  • Always do a quick spell check for simple spelling and grammar errors before submitting each article. Content with common slang words will be judged based on the case at hand, any submissions clearly disregarding this rule will be disregarded, quickly.
5. The does not entitle you to financial compensation of any kind!
  • There is no finical agreement with the authors and the Garden of Articles, you will not receive compensation from Garden of Articles.
6. Submitting an article does not guarantee inclusion!
  • The Garden of Articles always reserves all rights to reject, modify, accept, and remove any and all articles published to the directory, and for any reason at all.
7. Articles must be spell checked and proof read for grammatical errors prior to submitting
  • Check your articles for spelling errors and improper grammar. We constantly monitor article submissions and we will reject content that doesn’t meet this requirement.
8. We do not accept articles related to porn, dating, gambling, casinos or illegal activities.
  • Articles that fall under this category, will certainly not be accepted in the article directory!
9. Submit to the appropriate category.
  • If you persist on submitting your article to un-related categories you articles will be removed and so will your account. Please,contact us if you would like to suggest a category.

Register and Get Started:

Now that you understand these article submission guidelines feel free to Contact with us and be on your way to promoting your product or services today.
