Best Gardening Tips for Novice and Beginner Gardeners

General Gardening Tips for Novice and Beginner Gardeners and Green Thumb Wannabes

Whether you’re thinking about starting a garden or improving your existing garden, it’s always helpful to get some good advice.

Here are some general tips that can help to create the perfect garden for your home:

1. Choose plants that are easy to grow.

If you have the time and energy to grow other fruits and veggies, that’s OK. But if you have a hectic schedule, little energy, or a minimum amount of patience, then you should consider growing plants that require little time and effort.
Here are some excellent choices:
* Beetroot
* Carrots
* Cucumbers
* Garlic
* Green beans
* Lettuce
* Onions
* Peas
* Pepper (sweet)
* Radishes
* Squash (summer)
* Tomato
While maintaining a garden can be quite rewarding, you don’t have to exhaust yourself creating or maintaining one. These veggies will produce fantastic results with the greatest of ease.

2. Wear garden gloves.

Yes, there’s something to be said for touching plants and using your bare hands with soil compost gardening. It’s definitely one way to really “get back to nature.” But remember the old rule of “safety first.” It’s highly advisable that you purchase a solid set of gardening gloves, to protect your digits while gardening. There’s all sorts of stuff in a garden that can scrape, cut, pierce, or even bite your hands.

3. Plants need some TLC (tender loving care).

Like other hobbies that you can take up, it’s crucial that you spend enough time and effort maintaining your plants. There are the basics of maintaining the plants’, watering them, and making sure that they get enough sunshine. While the results are scientifically questionable, some people also believe that talking to their plants and playing music for them will help them to grow!
  • The point is that you shouldn’t start up a garden unless you’re intent on maintaining it properly. Otherwise, you’re wasting your time and the time of the plants.

4. Choose colors that match your personality.

Did you know?
Studies show that what you plant can actually reveal the type of personality that you have.
For example, the color green is often associated with calmness, so planting green beans, green peppers, etc. could reveal that you’re a laid-back type of person. On the other hand, planting tomatoes and red peppers could indicate that you’re more self-confident.
  • This doesn’t mean that you should read too much into what you plant, but it’s certainly another way that you can personalize your garden.
5. Consider a rock garden.
There’s nothing to say that gardens should only contain plants.

If you have some extra space and want to add some variety, consider starting up a rock garden.

There’s something special about a garden with a perfect blend of rocks, grass, and water.
